Site-Wide Activity

  • Inspired by article “How to set up and run Python Data Science Development Environment with Jupyter on Docker” [Archived]

    Data Scientists coders must work with a variety of Data Science development tools, […]

  • Fresh from Nature Methods this week is an article from a consortium of UW-Madison researchers that developed a Python library for image analysis. Their new Python library is linking the Java-based methods of the […]

  • This video from Oxford Nanopore channel is showing how they use Nanopore on site in the desert, stating that “the future is already here” at time 3min40sec within the video.

    In the Gobi Desert, a team […]

  • This YouTube video from the BBC Archive channel gives a glimpse of computing in 1995 when the DIGITAL VT100 terminal was king!

    Description based on info on YouTube: At the Boston software company Infocom, Fred […]

  • The complete title from this article is “File not found A generation that grew up with Google is forcing professors to rethink their lesson plans” (Archived version.)

    Vanishing structure (img from original […]

  • Credit: Alison506 on pixabay

    In the series Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown I added a very useful web site for bibliography in R/Rstudio. The original post is here: Episode 5. BibTeX interface for […]

  • Web page:

    PyMOL project from the Schubert Lab


    Giacomo Janson, Alessandro Paiardini, PyMod 3: a complete suite […]

  • Now for a look back in time, when DNA was far from being discovered!

    Some links will go to the British Library in England:

    Other links will be from the National French Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    QR codes are useful in some way if the user has a smart phone. But what if there is no smart phone around? I have been frustrated on occasion because there was a QR code but I wanted to to open the link on my […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Source: Five ways to check shortened links for safety

    Before you visit a shortened URL, be sure the destination website is secure and appropriate.

    Image Credit: anujohann / Pixabay

    Shortening a URL has […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago by Oscar Baruffa

    This online book is a compendium list of ~300 books using R for data analysis.

    Fro example, one useful example contained within is Computational Genomics with R by […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    In the light of the new Nobel Prize nomination of Svante Pääbo it is nice to watch these youtube titles.

    The first one is from PBS, and offers a nice summary without too much scientific jargon or b […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Chateaubriand Fellowship

    The Chateaubriand Fellowship allows PhD students registered in an American university the opportunity to spend 4–9 months in France. The fellowship aims to initiate or reinforce c […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    Engineer/Comedian Don McMillan has a YouTube Channel with a lot of fun videos, many of them making fun of how data, science, statistics, physics, etc. is misused by people or bad journalism.

    Here is one […]

  • Jean-Yves Sgro wrote a new post 2 years ago

    A webinar from “The Scientist”

    Announcement and recording of event:


    About this webinar: Given that humans are by nature visual animals, […]

  • Virusworld was started as an anonymous FTP site in 1993 to distribute virus images I created from X-ray crystallography data, primarily for teaching. After 29 years the site has been retired, in part due to […]

  • A new spin-off company from the University of Wisconsin-Madison proposes a new interface for data analysis based on Guided English Language© (GEL) to command Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods […]

  • The power of Story telling

    Scientists often are so deep into their work that they forget to announce the importance of their discovery or their current research to the World!

    This new (Zoom) online course […]

  • In 1984 the Macintosh arrived with the amazing MacWrite and MacPaint programs. But at that time it was all in black and white.

    Later, Windows also had a Paint program.

    If you feel nostalgic about these programs, […]

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