Monthly Archives: December 2023

Generate BibTeX from URL

This is a short version of Do yourself a favor: learn Markdown – Episode 7: BibTeX for online articles Summary: Generate BibTeX from URL for web pages, blogs, articles online, etc. In a previous article (Sgro (2022)) I presented how to add bibliographical information within an Rmarkdown document (Allaire et al. (2023)) with the BibTex format in… Read More »

AI: Introduction to Large Language Models and their shortcomings

This video from November 22, 2023 provides a general introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs) suitable for general understanding. The video continues to examples, possible upcoming paradigms such as the view that LLMs have similarities with operating systems. The final part details potentials threats, including jailbreak examples. What’s wrong with LLMs and what we should… Read More »