Jean-Yves Sgro

  • Cross-posting from post:  Download Google Drive Files using wget

    The problem: transfer file between clouds
    Files on Google drive can be shared between users, but the default access to the file is via we we […]

  • The saying goes “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” – Oh Yeah. But sometimes it is inevitable…
    Last month, under macOS Mojave (10.14) suddenly VMWare did not want to start, because of a security issue […]

  • I just wrote an entry on my Biochem blog which I think would fit on this site:
    Default preferences
    I enjoy using R and RStudio, but I am always weary of upgrading R because that usually leads to some issue(s). […]

  • Even though PowerShell has been around for apparently a long time (cerca 2002) it only came onto my “radar” recently as the “app” that can be used as a Text-Terminal to ssh somewhere. But I was then surprised to […]

  • Summary

    csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. (csvkit can convert XLSX files to CSV.)
    A good docker container for csvkit: […]

  • More than once I have written my own tutorials for learning how to use the command line within the bash shell in the context of a Unix or Unix-like computer. Recently I found a very well done tutorial that, while […]

  • The iris dataset is perhaps one of the most famous datasets used to learn and teach statistics and now machine learning. Being curious about this dataset lead me last time to the  web site that I […]

  • This is a repost of my post on the Biochemistry department: tableconvert-com-free-tabular-data-formats-converter
    Tabular formats
    When I first came to Madison in 1986 as a postdoc with Biochemistry professor Paul […]

  • Today I found a new tool: bioawk that was written by Heng Li who also wrote samtools and bwa.

    I first discovered it ont this blog: bioawk-basics (Bioinformatics Workbooks)

    There is also a short tutorial on GitH […]

  • Moving atoms
    For some reason a paper copy of “Chemical and Engineering News” (November 11, 2019 – Vol 97 Issue 44) ended up in my hands, and I almost missed this fun section named: “30 years of moving atoms: How […]

  • I use grep very often, and I made-up and acronym that made sense to me: Get REgular ExPression

    But I discovered this YouTube video that gives an accurate historical recounting of its birth and where its name […]

  • Even though I have been using computers all my life there are still many aspects of computing that are mysterious to me, and I am sure many others…

    One of my favorite quotes is “A leads to B leads to C” […]

  • Binder 2.0
    As just an “end-user” of software for data analysis it is sometimes difficult to just catch up with what’s available, and I end-up discovering new things simply browsing the web looking for something […]

  • Recently I was testing a Docker image to run a container for Next Gen sequencing, a way to test an existing “pipeline” on the first published study of the effect of the Zika virus. […]

  • Downsampling
    I have performed a search for creating a set of down-sampled data from an actual  large dataset, and while there are many creative information on BioStar and other forums, I find that the most […]

  • SRA: Sequence Read Archive
    The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) makes biological sequence data available to the research community to enhance reproducibility and allow for new discoveries by comparing data sets. The S […]

  • I have started a series of tutorials that I am writing from the perspective of a biologist wanting to use a Docker container for a specific application.

    An easy example could be using EMBOSS, the molecular […]

  • RE:  (Linux/MacOS)

    It may be nice to share/show commands being typed on a Text Terminal and embed this simple “movie” within blog or HTML page.

    It seems that the recording gets uploaded to […]

  • Re:

    Next Gen. data analysis requires many steps, that can be learned one by one, for example running an aligner such as bowtie, tophat or STAR, then handle the SAM/BAM file for […]


    What software one uses may be the result of colleague recommendations, using “what others use in the lab,” or haphazardly found options online.

    Or perhaps it is time to “upgrade” a […]

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