Tag Archives: bioinformatics

Ligand Docking with Rosetta – Mixing Docker and Mac

Summary: The complete, merged tutorial is on my tutorial page: Rosetta – Ligand Docking The Rosetta software suite includes algorithms for computational modeling and analysis of protein structures. I recently wrote a Blog elsewhere titled Rosetta Ligand Docking – Help with Docker as a first approach to helping a student run the published tutorial. The… Read More »

Bioinformatics Training Materials

The Bioinformatics Core at the UC Davis Genome Center has all the Documentation for the workshops and courses, past and current, available on the bioinformatics training program GitHub page. The Genome Center Event Registration offers the same material in a different listing order based on the date. Most of the material is available as Github… Read More »

PyMOD 3: Structural Bioinformatics within PyMOL

Web page: http://schubert.bio.uniroma1.it/pymod/GitHub: https://github.com/pymodproject/pymod Reference Giacomo Janson, Alessandro Paiardini, PyMod 3: a complete suite for structural bioinformatics in PyMOL, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 10, 15 May 2021, Pages 1471–1472, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa849 Abstract The PyMod project is designed to act as a fully integrated interface between the popular molecular graphics viewer PyMOL, and some of the most… Read More »