Tag Archives: protein

Ligand Docking with Rosetta – Mixing Docker and Mac

Summary: The complete, merged tutorial is on my tutorial page: Rosetta – Ligand Docking The Rosetta software suite includes algorithms for computational modeling and analysis of protein structures. I recently wrote a Blog elsewhere titled Rosetta Ligand Docking – Help with Docker as a first approach to helping a student run the published tutorial. The… Read More »

PyMOD 3: Structural Bioinformatics within PyMOL

Web page: http://schubert.bio.uniroma1.it/pymod/GitHub: https://github.com/pymodproject/pymod Reference Giacomo Janson, Alessandro Paiardini, PyMod 3: a complete suite for structural bioinformatics in PyMOL, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 10, 15 May 2021, Pages 1471–1472, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa849 Abstract The PyMod project is designed to act as a fully integrated interface between the popular molecular graphics viewer PyMOL, and some of the most… Read More »

Bioawk for handling bioinformatics formats

Today I found a new tool: bioawk that was written by Heng Li who also wrote samtools and bwa. I first discovered it ont this blog: bioawk-basics (Bioinformatics Workbooks) There is also a short tutorial on GitHub: github.com/vsbuffalo/bioawk-tutorial I also found a recent docker image, and in fact there are only 2 images on docker hub: lbmc/bioawk updated 2 months ago,… Read More »